PCH / Blogs / Sphynx Cat Breed: Information, Facts, Personality Traits, Health and Care

Sphynx Cat Breed: Information, Facts, Personality Traits, Health and Care

The most noticeable characteristic of this stunning cat is its absence of fur; however, Sphynx cats differ in their level of hairlessness; some have fine fuzz all over their body, while others just have it on their extremities. The Sphynx cat’s musculature and bone structure are visible to all because it lacks fur. It is an incredibly strong cat with graceful, long lines and somewhat loose skin that wrinkles in certain areas.

They have clean, rounded paws, rather long legs and tails, and a head that is somewhat wedge-shaped with enormous eyes and ears.

For more details on this distinctive breed and how it compares to others, check out the Ultimate Cat Lover’s Guide to Breeds.

Sphynx Cat

  • Lifespan: 8 – 14 years
  • Height: 8-10 inches
  • Weight: 6-14 pounds
  • Shed level: Low
  • Temperament: Friendly
  • Energy level: Active
  • Coat Length: Extra-short
  • Coat Color: White, black, blue, red, cream, silver, golden, cameo, tortoiseshell, blue-cream, brown
  • Common health concerns: Ear infection, skin and coat disorders, heart disease, dental disease
  • Colours: Sphynx cats come in all colours and coat patterns, which can be seen in the very fine fur on their faces, and the pigmented skin over the body.

You need-to-know

  • Benefits from an experienced owner
  • Indoor cat
  • Very talkative cat
  • Lean and elegant cat
  • Can be regularly left for a few hours
  • Highly active and inquisitive cat
  • Sociable and dependent cat
  • Needs high-level of enrichment including simulated hunting games and interactive play
  • Requires grooming once a week
  • Not ideal for family homes
  • Needs a calm environment

Sphynx Cat Highlights

The Sphynx cat is a unique breed known for its hairless appearance and affectionate personality. These cats are friendly, energetic, and love being the center of attention. They are excellent companions for those who can provide them with the special care they need.

Sphynx Cat Breed Information

Originating from a natural genetic mutation, the Sphynx cat was first bred in the 1960s. They are medium-sized, muscular cats with large ears and prominent cheekbones. Despite their hairlessness, they come in a variety of skin colors and patterns.

Vet Rating

Tendency to vocalise: 5/5
Likes Other Pets:2/5
Grooming needs:3/5

If you’re interested in large, friendly breeds, don’t miss the Maine Coon Cat page. Are you happy looking for a similar outgoing personality with a more exotic appearance? Explore the Bengal Cat Breed page. Want a breed known for its affectionate and laid-back demeanor? Visit the Ragdoll Cat Breed Profile.

Sphynx Cat Price

Sphynx cats are considered one of the more expensive cat breeds due to their rarity and specific care requirements. The price of a cat can range from $1,500 to $3,000, depending on factors such as lineage, breeder reputation, and location.

Sphynx Cat Lifespan

The average lifespan of a cat is between 8 to 14 years. With proper care, regular vet check-ups, and a healthy diet, some Sphynx cats can live even longer, enjoying a full and active life.

Sphynx Cat Care

Caring for a Sphynx cat involves regular bathing to remove the natural oils that would normally be absorbed by fur. These cats also need routine ear cleaning and nail trimming. Additionally, providing them with warm clothing and cozy bedding helps them stay comfortable due to their lack of fur.

Sphynx Cat Diet

A high-quality diet is essential for a Sphynx cat. They require a balanced diet rich in protein, fats, and essential nutrients. Due to their higher metabolism, they may need more frequent feedings compared to other cats. Wet food can be beneficial for hydration, and consulting a vet for dietary recommendations is always a good practice.

Health Issues

Sphynx cats are generally healthy but can be prone to certain health issues such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), a heart condition. Regular veterinary check-ups and screenings are vital. Skin conditions can also occur, making proper skincare routines essential to avoid infections.

Sphynx Cat Personality

Sphynx cats are known for their extroverted and affectionate nature. They enjoy being around people and other pets, often seeking out warm laps to curl up in. Their playful and curious demeanor makes them delightful companions.

Sphynx Cat Adoption

Adopting a Sphynx cat from a rescue or shelter can be a rewarding experience. Many cats need loving homes due to owners being unable to meet their care requirements. Adoption fees are typically lower than purchasing from breeders, making it a cost-effective option.

Sphynx Cat for Sale

If you prefer to buy a Sphynx cat, it’s crucial to find a reputable breeder who adheres to ethical breeding practices. Ensure the breeder provides health clearances and is open to questions about the cat’s health and lineage. This helps ensure you get a healthy and well-socialized kitten.

Sphynx Cat Behavior

Sphynx cats are highly sociable and intelligent. They can be trained to perform tricks and enjoy interactive play. These cats often exhibit dog-like behaviors, such as following their owners around and greeting them at the door.


Maintaining a Sphynx cat requires commitment. Regular baths, skincare routines, and a warm environment are crucial. Investing in cat-friendly moisturizers and hypoallergenic products can help keep their skin healthy and irritation-free.

Temperature Sensitivity

Due to their lack of fur, these cats are highly sensitive to temperature changes. They require a warm indoor environment and may need clothing during colder months. Heating pads and cozy blankets are beneficial to keep them comfortable.

Skin Care

Sphynx cats’ skin produces natural oils that need regular cleaning to prevent buildup and infections. Weekly baths with gentle, hypoallergenic shampoos are recommended. Moisturizing their skin can help prevent dryness and irritation, ensuring they remain comfortable and healthy.

Suitability for Family Life

The Sphynx cat, known for its high need for attention, can be an ideal pet for those seeking an exceptionally interactive feline companion. However, they may not be the best choice for households with very young children. These cats thrive in warm environments and require access to cozy spots, such as beds and heated areas, especially in cooler weather. A home that is consistently warm, without doors and windows left open year-round, is best suited for the Sphynx.


Are Sphynx cats hypoallergenic?

While the cats are hairless, they are not completely hypoallergenic. They still produce skin oils and proteins that can trigger allergies.

How often should I bathe my Sphynx cat?

These cats should be bathed once a week to remove excess oils and prevent skin issues.

Do Sphynx cats get along with other pets?

Yes, Sphynx cats are known for their friendly and social nature, making them great companions for other pets.

What type of diet is best for a Sphynx cat?

A high-protein, balanced diet with essential nutrients is ideal. Consult your vet for specific dietary recommendations.

Are Sphynx cats prone to health issues?

These cats can be prone to certain health issues like hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and skin conditions. Regular vet check-ups are essential.

How can I keep my Sphynx cat warm?

Provide a warm indoor environment, use heating pads, and dress your cat in comfortable clothing during colder months.

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